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All you need to know about “Andaman Fever”

Andaman Fever: is a colloquial term used to describe a type of scrub typhus, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Orientia tsutsugamushi. This bacterium is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected chiggers (larval mites). Scrub typhus is prevalent in the so-called ‘tsutsugamushi triangle’ a region that includes parts of Southeast Asia, Japan, northern Australia, and the Indian subcontinent, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Symptoms and Diagnosis:- The symptoms of Andaman Fever typically begin within 6 to 21 days after the bite of an infected chigger. Initial symptoms often include fever, headache, body aches, and muscle pain. Some patients may develop a characteristic rash and an eschar (a dark, scab-like area) at the site of the chigger bite. Other symptoms can include cough, gastrointestinal distress, and, in severe cases, complications such as pneumonia, meningitis, or organ failure. Diagnosis of Andaman Fever can be challenging due to its nonspecific symptoms, which can mimic other tropical diseases like dengue or malaria. Laboratory tests, such as serological tests or PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assays, are used to confirm the presence of Orientia tsutsugamushi. Early diagnosis is crucial to managing the disease effectively.

Treatment and Prevention:- Andaman Fever is treatable with antibiotics, with doxycycline being the most commonly prescribed. Early treatment is essential to prevent severe complications and reduce the risk of mortality. In regions where scrub typhus is endemic, healthcare providers often initiate empirical antibiotic treatment based on clinical suspicion, even before laboratory confirmation.

Preventive measures focus on reducing exposure to chiggers. This includes wearing protective clothing, using insect repellents, and avoiding areas with heavy vegetation where chiggers are likely to be present. Public health initiatives also emphasize the importance of awareness and education about the disease, particularly in endemic regions.

Andaman Fever is a serious health concern, prompt diagnosis and treatment can lead to full recovery. Continued efforts in public health education and preventive measures are vital to reducing the incidence and impact of this disease.

Understanding Drug Addiction: A Growing Crisis

The journey to addiction often begins with voluntary drug use. Over time, repeated use can alter the brain's reward system, leading to dependence. Substances like opioids, alcohol, stimulants, and nicotine hijack this system, creating intense cravings. The brain's ability to make sound decisions diminishes, pushing individuals towards destructive behaviors to obtain and use the drug.

Several factors contribute to the risk of developing addiction. Genetic predisposition plays a crucial role, accounting for about 40-60% of susceptibility. Environmental influences, such as exposure to drug use at an early age, stress, and peer pressure, also significantly impact an individual's likelihood of addiction. Mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD, often co-occur with substance abuse, complicating treatment efforts.

The consequences of drug addiction are profound. On a personal level, it can lead to deteriorating physical and mental health, strained relationships, unemployment, and legal issues. Societal impacts are equally severe, including increased healthcare costs, loss of productivity, and the burden on criminal justice systems. Communities face the repercussions of drug-related crimes and the spread of infectious diseases through practices like needle sharing.

Effective treatment of drug addiction requires a multifaceted approach. Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and contingency management, help modify attitudes and behaviors related to drug use. Medications, such as methadone for opioid addiction, can aid in managing withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings. Support systems, including family, community programs, and peer support groups, play a vital role in recovery.

Addressing drug addiction necessitates a comprehensive strategy involving prevention, early intervention, treatment, and continuous support. Public awareness campaigns, policy reforms, and investment in healthcare infrastructure are essential to combat this pervasive issue.

Lok Sabha Election – 2024 Choose the right candidate

Choosing the right candidate during elections which requires a thoughtful and informed approach to ensure the selection aligns with your values, priorities, and the needs of your constituency and country.

Research Candidates: Start by researching the candidates running for the position. Look beyond their campaign slogans and advertisements. Explore their backgrounds, qualifications, and experience. Consider their track record in public service, their stance on important issues, and any controversies or scandals they may have been involved in.

Evaluate Platforms: Examine each candidate's platform or manifesto. What policies do they advocate for? How do they plan to address pressing issues such as healthcare, education, the economy, and the environment? Assess whether their proposed solutions are realistic, feasible, and aligned with your own beliefs and priorities.

Assess Leadership Qualities: Consider the leadership qualities of each candidate. Look for traits such as integrity, honesty, empathy, and the ability to collaborate and make tough decisions. Evaluate their communication skills and their ability to inspire and unite people from diverse backgrounds.

Consider Past Performance: Take into account the candidate's past performance if they have held public office before. Have they delivered on their promises? How effectively did they manage resources and handle challenges? Assess whether their track record demonstrates competence and effectiveness in governance.

Engage in Debates and Discussions: Attend candidate debates, town hall meetings, or public forums where you can hear directly from the candidates and ask them questions. Pay attention to how they respond to tough inquiries and engage with voters. Evaluate their ability to articulate their views and defend their positions.

Consult Reliable Sources: Seek out information from reliable sources such as independent news outlets, fact-checking organizations, and reputable political analysts. Be wary of misinformation and propaganda spread by partisan sources.

Consider the Big Picture: Think about the broader implications of your vote beyond immediate issues. Consider how your choice may impact marginalized communities, future generations, and the overall direction of your society or country.

Remember that voting is a fundamental right and responsibility in a democratic society, and each vote carries significant weight in shaping the future.

The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it

Hiding reality from ourselves is akin to veiling the truth in a cloak of deception, ultimately leading to self-deception. When a society or a nation chooses to ignore or deny inconvenient truths, it embarks on a perilous path of self-delusion. This self-imposed blindness not only prevents progress but also sets the stage for potential collapse.

History is replete with examples of nations succumbing to the allure of denial, only to suffer catastrophic consequences. Whether it be the decline of ancient civilizations like Rome, whose leaders ignored internal decay until it was too late, or more contemporary examples such as the economic collapse of countries like Venezuela, where leaders refused to acknowledge fundamental flaws in their policies until the damage was irreversible, the pattern remains consistent.

A single cheap idea, often propagated by those with vested interests or driven by ideological fervor, has the potential to sow the seeds of destruction. Whether it's the adoption of flawed economic theories, the embrace of divisive ideologies, or the refusal to address pressing environmental concerns, the consequences can be dire. Such ideas, though seemingly innocuous at first, can metastasize, corroding the very fabric of society and undermining the foundations of a nation.

Moreover, the proliferation of misinformation and propaganda in the digital age has only exacerbated the problem. With the advent of social media and the internet, falsehoods can spread like wildfire, blurring the lines between fact and fiction and distorting public perception.

Therefore, it is imperative that societies remain vigilant against the dangers of self-deception. This requires a commitment to truth-seeking, critical thinking, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable realities. Only by facing the truth head-on can nations hope to navigate the complexities of the modern world and safeguard their future prosperity and stability. In the words of George Orwell, "The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."

Incorporate the qualities of Lord Ram into your life

Lord Ram, a central figure in Hindu mythology, provides profound lessons that extend beyond religious boundaries, offering timeless wisdom applicable to diverse aspects of life. At the core of Lord Ram's teachings is the concept of dharma, or righteousness. His life exemplifies an unwavering commitment to duty, portraying the importance of fulfilling responsibilities in various roles—son, brother, husband, and king.

In the face of adversity, Lord Ram stands as a paragon of patience, perseverance, and resilience. His exile, separation from his beloved wife Sita, and the challenges he encountered during the journey symbolize the trials of life. Lord Ram's composed response to these challenges serves as a powerful lesson on facing difficulties with grace and inner strength.

Leadership qualities are intricately woven into Lord Ram's character, as seen in his just and compassionate governance during his reign as king. His approach emphasizes fairness, empathy, and the well-being of all subjects. Lord Ram becomes a timeless example for leaders, illustrating the significance of ethical leadership and a commitment to the welfare of the people.

The theme of love and devotion is central to Lord Ram's narrative, reflecting in his unwavering commitment to Sita. This demonstrates the sanctity of familial bonds and the sacrificial nature of love. Lord Ram's forgiveness towards those who wronged him, notably Ravana, symbolizes the transformative power of forgiveness in promoting personal growth and fostering harmony.

Integral to Lord Ram's character is an unyielding commitment to truth. His adherence to truthfulness, even in challenging circumstances, underscores the importance of honesty and integrity. Additionally, Lord Ram's treatment of all subjects with equality, regardless of social status, advocates for a just and inclusive society.

In essence, Lord Ram's life offers a comprehensive guide to virtuous living. These principles, derived from the epic Ramayana, continue to inspire individuals seeking guidance in navigating the complexities of life.

We could attract the tourists if…

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with the pristine beaches, rich biodiversity, and unique cultural heritage, hold immense potential for tourism growth. To unlock this potential and enhance the visitor experience, a comprehensive approach is needed.

Firstly, there is a crucial need for infrastructure development. Improved air and sea connectivity, well-maintained roads, and modern accommodation facilities are essential to attract and accommodate tourists. Enhancing transportation within the islands will ensure seamless travel and exploration.

Preserving and promoting cultural heritage is vital for creating a unique identity for the A&N Islands. Cultural events, festivals, and exhibitions can engage tourists and provide insights into the local traditions. Simultaneously, environmental conservation efforts must be prioritized to protect the fragile ecosystem. Sustainable tourism practices and responsible visitor behavior should be actively promoted.

Community involvement is integral to the success of tourism initiatives. Engaging local communities in tourism development ensures their participation and benefits. Training programs for locals in hospitality, guiding, and customer service will elevate the overall quality of tourism services.

Government support is essential to create a conducive environment for tourism growth. Offering incentives for private investments, streamlining regulatory processes, and ensuring safety and security measures will instill confidence in both investors and tourists.

Furthermore, technology integration can enhance the overall tourism experience. Implementing online booking systems, information dissemination through digital platforms, and efficient visitor management contribute to a seamless and modern experience.

Ocerall, a collaborative effort involving the government, private sector, local communities, and NGOs is necessary to unlock the tourism potential of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

If the media keep an eye on government offices...

Media coverage in government offices comes with both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it promotes transparency and accountability, allowing the public to understand and scrutinize government operations. Through media, citizens gain insights into policy decisions, legislative processes, and public affairs, fostering an informed and engaged citizenry. This transparency contributes to trust-building between the government and the public, as officials are held accountable for their actions.

Media coverage serves as a vital educational tool, simplifying complex issues for public understanding. It encourages civic engagement by keeping citizens informed about government policies, initiatives, and community development programs. The media acts as a feedback mechanism, providing a platform for citizens to express their opinions, contributing to a more participatory democracy.

However, media coverage also poses challenges. Security concerns arise as certain government operations involve sensitive information, necessitating a balance between transparency and the need for confidentiality. Misinterpretation and sensationalism can distort the reality of events, potentially leading to public misunderstanding. The constant presence of media may compromise the privacy of individuals working in government offices, impacting decision-making and efficiency. There's a risk of political influence and bias, as media outlets may be driven by specific agendas, influencing public perception.

Media coverage can distract from core issues by focusing on sensational or trivial aspects, potentially neglecting critical matters. Selective reporting may lead to a distorted representation of events, impacting public trust in government institutions. Overall, responsible and unbiased journalism is crucial to maximizing the benefits of media coverage while addressing its inherent challenges, ensuring an informed and engaged public without compromising the efficiency and security of government operations.

What are our youths doing now?

Our nation has the largest youth population in the world around 66 per cent of the total population (more than 808 million) is below the age of 35.

The youth of a nation are its primary architects, entrusted with the responsibility of steering the course towards progress and prosperity. Therefore, it becomes imperative for society, governments, and communities to prioritize the holistic development of the youth, as their well-being directly influences the fate of the nation.

Youthful exuberance, innovative thinking, and boundless energy are the building blocks upon which nations construct their future. As such, the metaphorical destruction of the youth equates to compromising the very foundation of a country. A nation's potential for advancement lies in the hands of its young minds, and their ability to shape and adapt to a rapidly evolving world is pivotal for long-term success.

Socioeconomic disparities, inadequate access to quality education, unemployment, and mental health issues are hurdles that must be addressed comprehensively. Governments, civil society, and private sectors need to collaborate to create an ecosystem that supports the holistic development of the youth.

The well-being of the youth extends beyond physical health and economic opportunities. Mental health awareness and support systems must be integrated into the fabric of society. By acknowledging and addressing mental health challenges, could create an environment where the youth can thrive emotionally, psychologically, and socially.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the imperative to safeguard our youth becomes more crucial than ever. The destiny of a nation is interwoven with the fate of its young population. By investing in their education, addressing societal challenges, and providing opportunities for growth, we pave the way for a prosperous and resilient nation. The aphorism reminds us that neglecting the youth is a perilous path, but by nurturing and empowering them, we lay the foundation for a bright and promising future.

Unveiling the Tourism

Islands, often celebrated for their pristine beauty and tranquil landscapes, have become magnets for tourists seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. While tourism development brings economic benefits and cultural exchange, there also exists a darker side that often goes unnoticed impacts that are frequently overshadowed by the allure of paradise.

One of the most pressing concerns is the environmental degradation, the influx of tourists lead to increased infrastructure development, deforestation, and pollution. The construction of hotels, resorts, and other amenities often requires clearing large areas of land, disrupting delicate ecosystems and threatening the habitats of native flora and fauna.

Tourism development often brings about cultural changes that can erode the traditional way of life on islands. The influx of different cultures and values, driven by the desire to cater to tourist expectations, can result in the dilution of local traditions and identities. The commercialization of cultural practices for tourist entertainment can further contribute to the loss of authenticity and meaningful cultural exchange.

While tourism can bring economic benefits, it also exacerbates social disparities on islands. Employment opportunities created by the tourism industry are often concentrated in low-skilled and low-wage jobs, leading to income inequality. Additionally, the rising cost of living driven by increased demand for goods and services can negatively impact local communities, making it difficult for residents to afford to live in their own homeland.

The surge in tourist numbers can put immense strain on the existing infrastructure of islands. Inadequate waste disposal, congestion, and pressure on water and energy resources are common issues. Local communities may find it challenging to cope with and leading to a decline in the quality of life for residents.

While tourism development in islands undoubtedly brings economic benefits, it is crucial to acknowledge and address the negative impacts on the environment, culture, and society. Sustainable tourism practices that prioritize conservation, community involvement, and responsible development are essential for ensuring that islands can continue to enchant visitors without sacrificing their natural beauty and unique cultural heritage. Balancing the economic gains of tourism with the need for environmental and social preservation is key to creating a harmonious and sustainable future for islands destinations.

Non-corruption benefits

A state of being free from corrupt practices has several benefits for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.

Political Stability: Countries with lower levels of corruption tend to experience greater political stability. When political processes are transparent and accountable, citizens are more likely to trust their government, leading to a stable political environment.

Economic Growth: Reduced corruption contributes to economic growth by fostering a fair and competitive business environment. Investors are more likely to invest in a country with transparent and corruption-free practices.

Social Justice: Non-corruption promotes social justice by ensuring that benefits, opportunities, and services are distributed fairly among all segments of society, rather than favoring a select few.

Improved Infrastructure: Funds allocated for public projects are more likely to be used for their intended purposes in a non-corrupt environment. This leads to better infrastructure development, such as roads, schools, and healthcare facilities.

Higher Quality of Public Services: Non-corruption contributes to the delivery of higher quality public services. When public officials are not swayed by bribery or unethical practices, they can focus on serving the public interest.

Enhanced Business Environment: A non-corrupt environment attracts businesses and fosters healthy competition. Companies are more likely to invest and operate in a jurisdiction where they can compete fairly.

Ethical Leadership: Non-corruption encourages and promotes ethical leadership. Leaders who prioritize integrity and accountability set a positive example for others, fostering a culture of ethical behavior.

Trust and Credibility: Non-corrupt practices build trust and credibility. Individuals and institutions are perceived as reliable and trustworthy when they operate with integrity.

Efficient Resource Allocation: Non-corruption ensures that resources are allocated based on merit and need rather than through bribery or nepotism. This leads to more efficient use of resources and improved public services.

Global Reputation: Nations that actively combat corruption tend to have a positive global reputation. This can lead to better diplomatic relations, international collaborations, and improved standing in global indices.

Which is your Dharma?

The diversified Dharma - The concept of dharma is central to various Indian religions and philosophies, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Christian and Muslim but its interpretation can vary within each tradition.

Divine Law: In religious context, dharma is seen as a divine or cosmic law that governs the universe and human behavior. It is the order and harmony that the cosmos follows, and individuals are expected to align their lives with this natural order.

Path to Spiritual Enlightenment: Dharma can be understood as a spiritual path or a way to attain enlightenment and liberation. It involves living in accordance with spiritual and moral principles to achieve inner peace and self-realization.

Customs and Traditions: In some cases, dharma encompasses the customs, traditions, and rituals that are specific to a particular culture or religious tradition. These practices are considered an integral part of one's way of life.

Unique and Unalterable Dharma - In essence, dharma is a guiding principle that encourages individuals to lead a life of virtue, morality, and social responsibility.

Moral and Ethical Duty: In a general sense, dharma often refers to one's moral and ethical duties and responsibilities. It encompasses the principles of righteousness, moral conduct, and ethical behavior that guide an individual's actions and decisions. It involves doing what is right and just.

Righteousness: Dharma is often associated with living a righteous and virtuous life, adhering to a set of moral and ethical principles that promote good conduct and harmony in society.

Social Duty: Dharma can also refer to one's duty or role in society. It is the concept that individuals have specific responsibilities and obligations based on their social and familial roles, and they should fulfill these duties with dedication and integrity.

The ultimate message in all the religious books as per the experts are germane to the Single Dharma i.e. Righteousness, Moral, Ethical and Social Duties, but diversification in Dharma made it complex and multifaceted term.

The Faded Leadership

In the contemporary era, it's a common observation that many leaders are often distanced from the everyday realities faced by their constituents. They tend to be wealthier, hold significant power, and enjoy a level of protection that sets them apart from the ordinary citizens they are meant to serve. This is an unfortunate paradox within systems that are designed to be ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ It still remains a challenge that societies often grapple with as they seek to maintain true accountability and responsiveness in governance.

Whereas, bygone eras in India, leadership qualities were highly valued and emphasized in various texts and teachings. Some as, Dharma: Leaders were expected to uphold and promote dharma, which refers to moral and ethical duty. They were supposed to act in accordance with righteousness and ensure that justice and fairness prevailed.

Wisdom: Leaders were expected to possess wisdom and knowledge, making informed and thoughtful decisions. Wisdom was considered essential for effective leadership.

Compassion: Compassion and empathy were highly regarded qualities in a leader. A good leader was expected to be sensitive to the needs and concerns of their subjects and to act with kindness.

Courage: Leadership often required bravery and fearlessness. Leaders were expected to protect their people and the land, even at personal risk.

Charisma: A leader's personal character and conduct were essential. Leaders were expected to be of high moral character and integrity, setting an example for others to follow.

Humility: Humility was seen as a sign of strength, not weakness. Leaders were expected to remain humble and approachable, regardless of their position.

Dedication: A leader was expected to be dedicated to the welfare of the people and the prosperity of the kingdom. Their commitment to the well-being of their subjects was of utmost importance.

Communication Skills: Effective communication was vital for a leader to convey their vision, instructions, and goals to the people. They were expected to be eloquent and persuasive.

Self-Control: Leaders were expected to exercise self-control and restraint over their desires and emotions. This self-discipline was seen as necessary for wise decision-making.

Foresight: Leaders were encouraged to have a long-term vision and to make decisions that would benefit future generations, not just short-term gains.

A Timeless Commitment
The profound love and devotion for our country, has been an integral part of India's cultural and historical fabric for centuries. It is a sentiment that has withstood the test of time, evolving and adapting as the nation itself has transformed. In a diverse and multifaceted country like India, patriotism manifests itself in various forms and is more than just a fervent display of the national flag; it is a commitment to the idea of a united, harmonious, and progressive India.

One of the most striking aspects of patriotism in India is its deep-rooted connection with the nation's history and heritage. From the freedom struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi/ or the independence movement by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose to the sacrifices made by countless revolutionaries and leaders, India's journey to independence is a testament to the unwavering patriotism of its people. The spirit of patriotism displayed during those tumultuous times serves as a source of inspiration for generations to come.

The youth of India are taking up the mantle of patriotism with great enthusiasm. They are leveraging technology, education, and innovation to contribute to the country's development. They are the driving force behind initiatives related to entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability, and social justice. Their commitment to building a stronger and more prosperous India is a testament to the enduring spirit of patriotism.

It is a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, justice, and equality, and a willingness to work together to overcome challenges.

Patriotism is not only a fleeting emotion but a timeless commitment that spans generations. It is a celebration of the nation's rich history, diversity, and the enduring spirit of its people. True patriots understand that their love for India is not measured by grand gestures alone but by the everyday choices they make to contribute positively to their nation. As India continues to evolve and grow, patriotism remains a driving force that unites its people and propels the nation towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

Citizens traveling on pothole-ridden roads need to be aware of the consequences as well

Citizens in Port Blair city are currently experiencing a horseback riding-like experience while traveling on the roads. This is due to continuous rain, an inadequate drainage plan along roadsides, poor patchwork, or other factors, leading to potholes being visible everywhere on the roads in South Andaman. Let us explore the consequences of traveling on such pothole-ridden roads.
Physical discomfort: Riding over potholes can lead to a bumpy and jarring experience, causing discomfort and potential pain in the back, neck, and other parts of the body. Prolonged exposure to such conditions can result in muscle strain or soreness.
Fatigue: Constantly adjusting to the uneven surface of potholed roads can lead to increased fatigue, both mental and physical. The body's muscles and joints work harder to stabilize, which can lead to tiredness over time.
Impact on the spine: The repeated jolts and vibrations experienced while driving on potholes can put stress on the spine. This can potentially lead to back problems or exacerbate existing spinal conditions.
Increased stress: The stress of navigating potholes and the associated uncertainty can lead to heightened stress levels, which may negatively impact overall well-being.
Potential accidents: Potholes can be hazardous, and hitting one at high speeds can lead to accidents, causing various injuries to the body, ranging from minor bruises to severe trauma.
To mitigate these effects, it's essential to drive cautiously on potholed roads, maintain an appropriate speed, and use well-maintained vehicles with good shock absorption systems. Additionally, practicing good posture and stretching exercises before and after travel can help alleviate some of the physical discomfort associated with road conditions.

What humans ultimately could do on the Moon?

Scientific Research: The Moon offers a unique environment for scientific research. Astronomers can observe the universe without the interference of Earth's atmosphere, geologists can study lunar rocks and learn more about the Moon's history, and biologists can study the effects of reduced gravity on living organisms.
Astronomy and Astrophysics: The Moon's lack of atmosphere makes it an ideal location for astronomical observations. Telescopes on the Moon could provide clearer and more detailed views of distant galaxies, stars, and other celestial objects.
Resource Exploration: The Moon is believed to have valuable resources, such as water ice in permanently shadowed craters. Humans could prospect for these resources, potentially supporting future lunar habitats and even deep space missions.
Lunar Habitats: Establishing permanent or semi-permanent lunar habitats is a long-term goal. These habitats could be used for scientific research, as well as a base for launching missions deeper into space.
Technology Testing: The Moon serves as a testing ground for new technologies needed for future deep-space missions. This includes testing life support systems, habitats, and propulsion technologies.
Space Tourism: As space technology advances, lunar tourism may become a reality. Tourists could visit the Moon, experience lunar gravity, and enjoy breathtaking views of Earth from the lunar surface.
Helium-3 Mining: Some envision mining Helium-3 from the Moon to use as fuel for future fusion reactors on Earth. This is a concept still in the theoretical stages.
International Collaboration: Multiple countries and space agencies have expressed interest in lunar missions.
Education and Outreach: Moon missions capture the public's imagination and can be used for educational and outreach purposes to inspire future generations of scientists and engineers.
Art and Culture: Humans may engage in artistic and cultural activities on the Moon, from creating lunar art installations to filming movies and documentaries about lunar exploration.

A Call for Collective Action

In today's digital age, the internet has transformed the way we live, work, and interact. Yet, as we embrace the convenience of online financial transactions, we must also confront the dark side: the growing menace of online money frauds. These digital scams, ranging from investment schemes to cryptocurrency cons, are proliferating, leaving victims in financial ruin and law enforcement agencies grappling to keep pace.

Behind the statistics and headlines, there are real people who have fallen victim to these scams. The emotional toll is immense, as victims grapple with shame, anger, and financial hardship. The elderly, in particular, are vulnerable targets, as they may not be as tech-savvy and are more trusting. It is a stark reminder that online money frauds are not just faceless crimes but deeply personal attacks on people's lives and well-being.
Education and Awareness: Prevention starts with education. Governments, schools, and organizations should invest in public awareness campaigns to educate individuals about common online money frauds and teach them how to identify and avoid them.
Enhanced Cybersecurity Measures: Financial institutions and online platforms must bolster their cybersecurity measures to protect users' sensitive information. They should also provide resources and guidelines on safe online financial practices.
Regulation and Enforcement: Governments should enact and enforce stringent regulations governing online financial activities, including cryptocurrency transactions. Law enforcement agencies must be equipped and trained to investigate and prosecute cybercriminals effectively.
Technological Solutions: The tech industry should continue developing and implementing advanced security technologies, such as blockchain-based fraud prevention systems, to enhance online financial security.
Community Support: Organizations and communities should offer support and resources to victims of online money frauds, helping them recover both financially and emotionally.

Is it possible to reduce the risk of depression?

A healthy lifestyle that involves moderate alcohol consumption, a healthy diet, regular physical activity, healthy sleep and frequent social connection, while avoiding smoking and too much sedentary behaviour, reduces the risk of depression, new research has found (Nature Mental Health). The researchers looked at a combination of factors including lifestyle factors, genetics, brain structure and our immune and metabolic systems to identify the underlying mechanisms that might explain this link.

To better understand the relationship between these factors and depression, the researchers turned to the U.K. Biobank. By examining data from almost 290,000 people - of whom 13,000 had depression - followed over a nine-year period, the team was able to identify seven healthy lifestyle factors linked with a lower risk of depression. Of all of these factors, having a good night's sleep (seven to nine hours a night) made the biggest difference, reducing the risk of depression by 22%. Frequent social connection, which in general reduced the risk of depression by 18%, was the most protective against recurrent depressive disorder. Moderate alcohol consumption decreased the risk of depression by 11%, healthy diet by 6%, regular physical activity by 14%, never smoking by 20%, and low-to-moderate sedentary behaviour by 13%.

Unravelling Patriotism in India

17/08/2023: Patriotism, a fervent love and devotion for one's country, courses through the veins of India's collective identity. With a history replete with struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs, the sentiment of patriotism has woven itself into the very fabric of the nation.
The Spectrum of Patriotism: Patriotism in India exists along a spectrum that ranges from symbolic displays to tangible actions that contribute to the betterment of the nation. While waving flags, singing the national anthem, and celebrating Independence Day are expressions of patriotism, true allegiance to the country goes beyond these gestures. Genuine patriotism transcends mere symbolism and necessitates active engagement with the issues that impact the nation's progress.
Civic Responsibility and Engagement: At the heart of genuine patriotism lies civic responsibility. Engaged citizens understand that love for their country extends beyond waving flags to participating in the democratic process, upholding the rule of law, and contributing positively to society. A true patriot seeks to address social inequalities, promote education, protect the environment, and work towards the welfare of all citizens, irrespective of differences.
Challenges to Patriotism: Despite its deep-seated roots, patriotism in India faces challenges that stem from diverse social, political, and economic factors. Sectarian divisions, regionalism, and identity politics can sometimes dilute the overarching sense of unity that patriotism seeks to foster.
Patriotism in India is a multi-dimensional concept that goes beyond surface-level expressions of loyalty. It is a call to action, an invitation to contribute meaningfully to the nation's progress. The path to genuine patriotism lies in active engagement, empathy, and a commitment to inclusivity. As India continues to evolve on its journey, the flame of patriotism must be kept alive through collective efforts that transcend divisions, uphold democratic values, and work towards a brighter, more united future. It is only by embracing this holistic view of patriotism that India can truly honor the sacrifices of its past and build a stronger, more inclusive nation for generations to come.

A Vote: Pillar of the Indian Democratic System
10808/2023: In the world's largest democracy, India, the power of a single vote is immeasurable. The Indian democratic system, enshrined in the Constitution, places the utmost importance on the voices of its citizens. The value of a vote extends far beyond the act of casting a ballot; it is the cornerstone upon which the nation's governance, representation, and progress are built.
Every eligible citizen's vote carries equal weight, regardless of their background, socio-economic status, or geographic location. This ensures that the diverse tapestry of Indian society finds expression in the decision-making process. A single vote empowers individuals to influence the selection of their representatives, ensuring that the government reflects the aspirations and concerns of the entire population.
A vote is a tool through which individuals can protect their liberties, voice their opinions, and hold elected officials accountable for their actions. This process helps prevent the erosion of democracy and reinforces the principles upon which the nation was founded.
Voting is not merely a reflection of current aspirations; it is a means to shape the future of the nation. Elected representatives make decisions on a range of issues, from economic policies to environmental protection, infrastructure development to foreign relations. Each vote influences the trajectory of the country, determining the path it takes in a rapidly changing world. A vote is a catalyst for progress and innovation, shaping policies that guide India's journey towards prosperity.
In the Indian democratic system, a vote is not a mere symbol; it is the bedrock of a nation's governance and the embodiment of citizens' hopes, dreams, and aspirations. As citizens exercise their right to vote, they contribute to a vibrant, inclusive, and progressive democracy, ensuring that the nation remains true to its principles and continues its journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

Bridging the Gap between Projects and People
03/08/2023: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands have immense potential for growth and prosperity. While the GoI's developmental projects signify progress, the existing disparities between the projects and the actual needs of the people require immediate attention. By adopting a people-centric approach, prioritizing basic necessities, and fostering community participation, the government can bridge the gap and create a more inclusive and prosperous future for the residents of these beautiful islands.
Community Participation: Engaging the local population in the decision-making process is crucial. Conducting regular consultations and incorporating their feedback will ensure that the developmental projects align better with the needs of the people.
Continuous Monitoring: Regular monitoring and evaluation of ongoing projects are essential to identify and address potential issues proactively. This will prevent delays, cost overruns, and ensure effective utilization of resources.
Focus on Basic Necessities: Prioritizing essential services like 24/7 electricity, reliable network connectivity, and regular water supply should be at the forefront of the government's agenda.
Healthcare and Education: Alongside infrastructural developments, the GoI must focus on improving healthcare facilities and educational institutions on the islands. This will lead to overall human development and create a more sustainable future for the region.

Developmental disparities in the A&N Islands!

27/07/2023: The A&N Islands, an integral part of India, have witnessed significant developmental projects implemented by the GoI. While these initiatives may seem promising on paper, it is essential to assess their real impact on the lives of the islanders.

Power Crisis and Connectivity Issues: The installation of mega-watt DG sets and solar panels was a step towards ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply for the islands. However, the reality remains far from ideal, with residents enduring an average of 4-6 hours of daily power cuts. This power crisis significantly affects the daily lives of the inhabitants, disrupting businesses and hindering overall productivity. Similarly, despite the govt's efforts in connecting the islands through the Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) network, many regions continue to suffer from poor network coverage. This lack of proper connectivity limits access to vital information, hampers communication, and restricts economic opportunities for the locals.

Road Infrastructure Challenges: The construction of the NH-4 road from Chidiyatapu to Lamiya Bay is undoubtedly a significant step towards improving transportation on the islands. However, the plight of people, especially medical patients, between North and Middle Andaman cannot be overlooked. The deplorable condition of NH-4 road is causing immense hardships for those seeking medical care and emergencies. The GoI must prioritize the improvement of this crucial roadway to ensure the seamless movement of people and essential supplies.

Water Supply Concerns: The heightened wall of the Dhanikhari Dam and the Rutland to Pongy Balu water project were envisioned to bolster water supply on the islands. Despite these efforts, it is disheartening to note that the people are still receiving water supply only once every five days. This inadequacy poses significant health risks, disrupts daily life, and hinders agricultural activities.

The GoI's initiatives in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are commendable; however, they need to be complemented with a more profound understanding of the region's unique challenges. The government must adopt a more inclusive approach, engaging with local communities to identify their specific needs and aspirations.

Impact on minds of public; Readers vs Viewers!

20/07/2023: Cognitive engagement: When people read, they need to use their imagination to visualize scenes and characters, and they create their mental images based on the text. This level of involvement can lead to a deeper understanding of the material and a more profound impact on the reader's mind. On the other hand, viewing is a more passive experience, as the visual content is presented to the audience without the same level of mental involvement.

Empathy and emotional connection: Readers can immerse themselves in the characters' thoughts and emotions, leading to a more profound emotional connection. In contrast, viewing can also evoke emotions, but the impact may be more immediate and superficial, as the emotional cues are presented through visuals and sound without requiring as much mental processing.

Memory retention and comprehension: When people read, they actively construct mental representations of the text, which can enhance their memory of the material. Viewing, while visually stimulating, may not always promote the same level of memory retention or comprehension, especially if the content is presented rapidly or lacks depth.

Imagination and creativity: Reading often stimulates the imagination and encourages creativity, as readers must visualize the scenes and events described in the text. On the other hand, viewing provides ready-made visual elements, which may limit the scope for imagination and creativity, as the audience relies more on what is presented to them.

Attention span: Reading typically requires more sustained attention and concentration, as readers must actively process the information from the text. In contrast, viewing can be more easily consumed, particularly in the case of short videos or visual content designed for quick consumption. This can impact the depth of understanding and the level of engagement with the material.

Cognitive processing and critical thinking: Reading often involves a more in-depth cognitive processing of information, as readers interpret the text, make connections, and engage in critical thinking. This can lead to a more profound impact on the reader's mind and worldview. Viewers may also engage in critical thinking, but it may be more challenging to do so, especially with fast-paced or visually overwhelming content.

Is A&N Administration runs in www. SocialMedia. com?

13/07/2023: Twitter, WhatsApp & YouTube become mediums for administration these days. By this, directly or indirectly Local Administration promotes Social Media devotees in these A&N Islands. The effortless use of mobile phones has become a prominent characteristic of the modern digital era. While it offers convenience and connectivity, there are also negative aspects associated with this ease of use.

Addiction and Overuse: With constant access to social media, entertainment, and various applications, individuals may find it difficult to detach from their devices. Excessive use of mobile phones can negatively impact productivity, mental well-being, and relationships.

Reduced Face-to-Face Interaction: The ease of mobile phone use can lead to a decline in face-to-face interactions. People may become engrossed in their phones, ignoring those around them. This can result in a loss of meaningful connections, diminished social skills, and a sense of isolation.

Distraction and Impaired Focus: Social media apps can be highly distracting, constant interruptions and multitasking can hinder concentration, productivity, and the ability to engage in deep, focused work or meaningful conversations.

Negative Impacts on Physical Health: The ease of mobile phone use often promotes sedentary behaviors, as people spend extended periods engaged with their devices. Excessive phone use can contribute to poor posture, eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and a sedentary lifestyle, which may lead to health issues such as obesity, musculoskeletal problems, and sleep disorders.

Privacy and Security Concerns: It also brings potential privacy and security risks. People often store personal information, engage in online transactions, and connect to various networks through their phones. This can make them vulnerable to data breaches, hacking, identity theft, and invasions of privacy if proper security measures are not taken.

Impact on Mental Health: Constant exposure to carefully curated, filtered, and idealized content can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression. The constant comparison to others and the pressure to maintain a certain online persona can take a toll on one's mental well-being.

Will the A&N Administration conduct campaigns on “Phone Addiction; Face-to-Face Interaction; Physical Health; Privacy and Security; Smartphone Distraction; and Mental Health” after worse affect?

Qualities of responsible Public Representatives

22/06/2023: A responsible public representative, also known as an elected official or politician, is an individual who holds a position in government and is entrusted with representing the interests and concerns of the public they serve. Being responsible means fulfilling their duties and obligations ethically, transparently, and in the best interest of the people they represent.

Accountability: A responsible representative is accountable to the public and acknowledges that they have a duty to serve the people who elected them. They take responsibility for their actions, decisions, and policies, and are willing to face scrutiny and consequences if they fail to fulfill their obligations.

Transparency: They are transparent in their actions, ensuring that the public has access to relevant information about their decision-making processes, policies, and financial matters. Transparency helps build trust and allows the public to hold representatives accountable.

Integrity: A responsible public representative upholds high ethical standards. They act honestly, ethically, and with integrity, avoiding conflicts of interest and prioritizing the public good over personal gain.

Communication: Effective communication is crucial for a responsible representative. They actively engage with their constituents, listening to their concerns, and providing clear and accurate information about government actions and policies. They also communicate their positions and decisions in a way that is accessible and understandable to the public.

Representation: A responsible representative genuinely represents the interests and needs of their constituents. They actively seek feedback, engage in dialogue, and advocate for the concerns of the people they serve. They make an effort to understand the diverse perspectives within their constituency and make informed decisions that reflect the will of the majority while protecting the rights and interests of minority groups.

Collaboration: Responsible representatives understand the importance of collaboration and teamwork. They work with colleagues across party lines and different levels of government to achieve common goals and address the needs of the public effectively. They are willing to compromise and find common ground for the greater good.

Let us imagine how it would be, if the Smart City Project completed

15/06/2023: "100 Smart Cities Mission" was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 June 2015. A total of Rs.98,000 crore was approved by the Indian Cabinet for the development of 100 smart cities and the rejuvenation of 500 others.

We will live in a smart city, an urban area that leverages technology, data, and connectivity to enhance the quality of life, improved sustainability, and optimized resource management. It involves the integration of various digital technologies and infrastructure to create a more efficient, accessible, and livable city. The key components includes:

Internet of Things (IoT): Sensors and devices are embedded in various elements of the city, such as buildings, transportation systems, and utilities. These devices collect data and communicate with each other to provide real-time information.

Data Analytics: The collected data is analyzed to gain insights and inform decision-making. It helps in identifying patterns, predicting trends, and optimizing city operations.

Connectivity: A robust and reliable communication network, including high-speed internet access, is crucial for connecting devices and enabling seamless data transfer.

Sustainable Infrastructure: Smart cities focus on creating sustainable infrastructure by integrating renewable energy sources, efficient transportation systems, waste management solutions, and environmentally friendly buildings.

Citizen Engagement: Involving citizens in decision-making processes and using technology to improve engagement is an important aspect of smart cities. Platforms and applications enable residents to participate in urban planning, report issues, and access city services.

Improved Services: Smart cities aim to enhance the delivery of public services such as transportation, healthcare, education, public safety, and utilities. This is achieved through real-time monitoring, automation, and efficient resource allocation.

In the journey of 8 years making Port Blair a Smart City, achieved few achievement viz. Internet speed increased, partial main roads developed, Marine Park to Coryn's Cove beach via seashore made tourist attractive, sanitization system improved. But, there are still many crucial things waiting to be improved in Port Blair, yet. Let us hope to live in a real Smart City soon.

Is Borewells could be an option to overcome water crisis in these Islands?

04/05/2023: Borewell drilling on an island located in a seismic zone can potentially have an impact on the seismic activity and the risk of sinking of the island.

Induced Seismicity: Drilling a borewell on an island located in a seismic zone can potentially trigger or induce seismic activity. This can increase the risk of the island sinking, especially if the drilling causes significant stress changes in the underlying rock formations.

Subsidence: The drilling of a borewell can potentially cause subsidence or sinking of the island, especially if the borehole intersects with underlying faults or fractures. This can result in damage to buildings and infrastructure on the island, as well as changes to the island's topography.

Land Instability: Seismic activity and the associated ground motion can cause land instability, leading to landslides and slope failures. This can potentially increase the risk of the island sinking or subsiding.

Groundwater Depletion: Borewell drilling can cause depletion of the island's groundwater resources, which can also contribute to land subsidence. If the borewell draws out water faster than it can be replenished, the island's aquifer can be depleted, causing the land to sink.

Coastal Erosion: Land subsidence can also contribute to coastal erosion, which can further impact the island's ecosystem and infrastructure.

Overall, borewell drilling on an island located in a seismic zone can potentially increase the risk of land subsidence and sinking, and proper precautions should be taken to minimize these risks. Careful site assessments and monitoring of the island's geological conditions are necessary, and drilling should be done in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Is Andaman Public cursed? 
Lagged from essential services!

20/04/2023: Mismanagement in Govt/ Private Organization can lead to a variety of negative consequences for an organization. It can result in inefficiencies, missed deadlines, poor communication, low morale among employees, and even financial losses.

There are several reasons why mismanagement can occur in Govt/ Private Organization, including lack of planning, inadequate resources, poor communication, unclear goals, and ineffective leadership.

To prevent mismanagement in Govt/ Private Organization, it is important to establish clear goals and objectives for the organization, and ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Effective communication channels should be established to keep everyone informed about the progress of various projects and initiatives. Adequate resources, including funding, staffing, and technology, should be made available to ensure that tasks can be completed efficiently and effectively.

In addition, it is important to have effective leadership in place, with managers who have the necessary skills and experience to manage teams and projects effectively. Regular training and development programs can also help to ensure that managers are equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques to manage their teams and projects successfully.

Overall, preventing mismanagement in Govt/ Private Organization requires a proactive approach that involves careful planning, effective communication, adequate resources, and strong leadership. By addressing these factors, organizations can minimize the risks associated with mismanagement and achieve their goals more effectively.

But in Andaman, common public completely depends upon govt. and business organizations, ultimately due the coordination or nexus between Govt and Private Organizations public forced to suffer for essential services and infrastructure, such as...... you know.

Water, Essential Commodities, LPG, and Electricity are the basic needs these days to survive human beings on this planet. Govt. rules, govt. changes, but on the pretext of fulfilment of the said essentials political parties gets votes and even after 76 years of Independence the situation of common man is same.

Administration ignores Media?

No press conferences by LG, CS, DGP or any HoDs!

13/04/2023: The media plays an essential role in any democratic society. It serves as a watchdog, holding those in power accountable and providing citizens with the information they need to make informed decisions. However, when the media is ignored by the government, this vital function is compromised, and the very foundation of democracy is threatened.

When the government ignores the media, it can create an environment in which corruption and abuses of power can thrive. Without the scrutiny of the press, officials may feel emboldened to engage in actions that are not in the public interest. This can lead to a breakdown of trust between citizens and their government, as well as a sense of powerlessness among the people.

Moreover, when the media is ignored by the government, it can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability. Officials may be less likely to share information with the public, and there may be fewer opportunities for citizens to provide feedback on government policies and decisions.

To address these challenges, it is essential that the media be supported and protected. Governments must recognize the importance of a free and independent press and take steps to ensure that journalists are able to do their work without fear of retaliation.

Ultimately, a vibrant and independent media is essential for a healthy democracy. When the media is ignored by the government, it is not just journalists who suffer - it is the entire society that is put at risk. By recognizing the importance of a free and independent press and taking steps to support it, governments can help to ensure that citizens are informed, empowered, and engaged in the democratic process.

That was long ago CS, DGP, Directors of various departments used to give yearly updates to the media to let know the status and up-gradations made in the A&N Administration and to set a target to do better in the years to come. But, now?

Press Conferences become last priority in Isles

06/04/2023, Lack of Transparency: If a department or organization does not organize press conferences, there may be a lack of transparency about their actions and decisions. This can lead to speculation and rumors, which can damage their reputation.

Missed Opportunities: Press conferences provide an opportunity to communicate directly with the media and the public. If a department or organization does not organize press conferences, they may miss out on opportunities to address concerns and issues and shape the way their messages are portrayed in the media.

Difficulty in Controlling the Narrative: If a department or organization does not organize press conferences, they may have difficulty controlling the narrative and shaping the way their messages are portrayed in the media. This can lead to misinterpretation and misinformation.

Limited Reach: Without press conferences, a department or organization may have limited reach and struggle to disseminate information to a wide audience. This can make it difficult for them to communicate effectively and engage with the public.

Lack of Accountability: By not organizing press conferences, a department or organization may appear to be avoiding accountability and responsibility for their actions and decisions. This can damage their reputation and erode public trust.

However, not organizing press conferences can have several negative consequences, including a lack of transparency, missed opportunities, difficulty in controlling the narrative, limited reach, and a lack of accountability, which is presently prevailing in these Islands.

It become practice in every Department or Institution these days in A&N Islands that, if any programme, scheme, activity, action, decision they take or organise or launch simple they do themselves and use to send a press release through email, requesting publication of the same. Is it not called my may Highway or only one-way?

Natural or Human-made causes! 
Who is responsible?

30/03/2023: If the weight increase is minimal, such as a few people reside around or some additional vegetation growing, the island may not experience any noticeable changes. If the weight increase is significant, such as building a large structure or adding a large amount of material to the island, it could cause the island to sink or subside. This is because islands are often composed of loose sediment or coral, and adding weight can compress the underlying material, causing it to sink. If the weight increase is unevenly distributed, such as building a heavy structure on one side of the island, it could cause the island to tilt or lean towards that side. This could potentially destabilize the island and make it more vulnerable to erosion or collapse. If the weight increase is caused by a large number of people or animals inhabiting the island, it could lead to environmental impacts such as habitat destruction, soil erosion, and pollution. This could have negative consequences for the island's ecosystem and biodiversity.

Risk on the island: Occurs when the land surface gradually sinks due to natural processes or human activities. Subsidence can be caused by factors such as sediment compaction, groundwater extraction, and tectonic movements; As global temperatures continue to rise, sea levels are also rising due to the melting of glaciers and ice caps. This can cause low-lying islands to become submerged or eroded; Islands are often vulnerable to erosion due to their exposure to waves and other natural forces. Erosion can cause the island to gradually shrink in size and eventually disappear; Events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes can cause significant damage to islands and result in sinking or subsidence; and Human activities such as dredging, mining, and oil and gas extraction can cause subsidence or sinking of an island. In some cases, excessive groundwater extraction can also lead to subsidence.

Hence, it's important to carefully consider the potential consequences before undertaking any activities that could affect the island's natural balance.

Man made AI challenging human skills; 
Manpower forced to adapt relevant technology

23/03/2023: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most talked-about topics in recent years. With advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, AI has already started to impact various industries, and its impact on the job market is a topic of debate.

It's true that AI has the potential to automate many routine and repetitive tasks, which can result in the displacement of jobs. However, AI also creates new job opportunities and enhances the productivity and efficiency of existing jobs.

One of the sectors most affected by the automation of jobs through AI is manufacturing. Robots and automated machines are replacing human workers in assembly lines and other routine tasks. However, this has also created new job opportunities in programming, maintenance, and monitoring of these machines.

Similarly, the healthcare industry is also benefiting from the application of AI, as it helps in diagnosing diseases and providing personalized treatments. AI can also be used to analyze large amounts of patient data, which can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Moreover, AI is not just limited to these industries; it is also being used in other areas such as customer service, finance, and marketing. AI-powered chatbots are now common in customer service, providing 24/7 assistance to customers. AI algorithms are also used in finance to analyze data and make investment decisions.

In conclusion, while AI is undoubtedly going to automate many jobs, it is also creating new job opportunities and making existing jobs more productive and efficient. Therefore, it's crucial for individuals and organizations to adapt to this new technology and develop new skills to remain relevant in the job market.

All Projects Success! ; 
Public still Thirsty & Undated?

16/03/2023: The Govt. of India always stood in front to sanction funds for development of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and for the welfare of people residing here. It is well known to the people of A&N Islands that thousands of crores have been released since the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) came into power at centre. Whether it is construction of highway (NH-4) or for Solar Panel Installation / 12 MW Power Diesel Generator, or even Rutland Water Project, the govt. at centre never back off from any approval of developmental projects. 

The Administration claim all projects completed and says, 'Rutland Water Project commissioned 6.70 MLD of freshwater available for Port Blair town'; 'People no need to suffer from electricity crisis as Solar Panel / 12 MW Power Diesel Generator installed'; and 'better road connectivity from Port Blair to North Andaman (NH-4) will be completed very soon'.

Consequently, with full confidence upon the A&N Administration, Works Awarded Agencies, Engineers, Researchers and Public Exchequer, the Govt. at Centre assumes all is well in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and with its people. Ironically, the situation in Andaman and Nicobar Islands didn't change a bit to get respite from the electricity crisis and water scarcity at the actual ground. 

People are still facing water curtailments, heavy power cuts and improper road issues at several areas in A&N Islands. It hints that, something is lacking while planning and executing the projects in Andaman & Nicobar Islands as research of solar feasibility, proper survey for electricity and water consumption (revenue and encroachment properties), and very crucially a responsible and sincere official to have a look at corruption and mismanagement. These are the challenges which are required to be worked on to meet the meaningful end.

A quote that matches this situation best is "Every time you mistreat someone, you reveal the part of you that lacks love and needs to heal." - Kemi Sogunle


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